#100 | Fundraisers: Do No Harm

We’ve talked a lot about fundraising, and this episode is no different (tis’ the season). Today, we’re focusing on the most important rule of fundraising: Do no harm.
On the surface, it might seem unbelievable to think that you can harm your mission through fundraising efforts (all organizations need money, right?), but the way you frame your messaging as you ask for funds can either support or undermine your long-term goals. We all know an emotional story can get a powerful reaction from potential donors, but what if that story leaves your donors despairing or your clients feeling dehumanized?
In today’s episode, we’re talking about examples of both harmful and beneficial fundraising practices, as well as why it’s important to prioritize opportunities for building long-term support and lasting relationships over shock-and-awe dollars.
Whether you’re listening to this when it airs in December, or some other time during the year, you can – and should – take the time to review your messaging and make the shift to Community-Centric Fundraising, so you can build a base of donors who believe in the mission and work of your organization instead of one-time donors giving out of guilt or misguided saviorism. It will be worth it in the long run.
[02:40] How some fundraising approaches can be harmful, and why it’s important to shift practices in favor of long-term support and relationship building
[06:17] How asset framing is more effective in fundraising
[08:32] Examples of detrimental fundraising approaches, and why you should prioritize humanity over shock and awe
[17:47] An example of really great event messaging, and how bringing your fundraising practices in alignment with the values or your organization is worth it in the long run (even if you lose money at first)
[28:11] An example of really bad event messaging and how that harms your cause
[34:21] Making a plan for next year to review your messaging and shifting to Community-Centric Fundraising
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Resources Mentioned
Trabian Shorters – Asset Framing
A big thanks to our sponsors for this episode on year-end giving: Brittny Wilson Consulting and Mission Launch, and to Jake Walker Music for our theme song!