#101 | New Year, No Burnout: How to Set Boundaries and Avoid the Nonprofit Grind Cycle

Your year-end fundraising is over. You made all of your financial goals. Doesn’t it feel great? We bet you and your team are having a lovely vacation right now, reading cheesy novels and sipping on fruity drinks while relaxing by the seaside. No burnout in sight, because you know how to prioritize yourself…
Okay, okay. Sorry. We couldn’t keep that up any longer. We know the reality: it feels like the grind never stops in the nonprofit world. And we that work in nonprofits are NOT good at turning ourselves off even for a little bit. As soon as one year ends, it’s time to start working on all your goals for the next year. More donors to contact, more money to raise, more programs to start.
And that’s all important! But if you’re wearing multiple hats, thinking you can be good at everything and never stopping to take a rest or ask for help, you’re doing yourself a disservice and ushering in burnout. You can’t ignore your rest, your mental health, and your boundaries, because those are the things that help you move the needle long-term.
In today’s episode, we’re talking about leaning into our strengths, why nonprofit staff should not be expected to be good at everything, and why you have to carve out time to take care of yourself and take legitimate time off (not a day or two here and there—use your PTO!).
Your work is important, but don’t let guilt con you into working yourself into a state of burnout. Make 2023 the year that you set strategic goals, create boundaries, and give yourself time to fully disconnect. Trust us, it’ll be better for you and for your organization.
What’s in Ep 101: New Year, No Burnout: How to Set Boundaries and Avoid the Nonprofit Grind Cycle:
[04:03] The results of Brittny’s Strengths Finder test, how different personality types can be successful at fundraising, and the importance of recognizing your strengths and outsourcing what you’re not good at or drawn towards
[08:47] Why expecting nonprofit staff to wear multiple hats and be good at everything is a recipe for burnout
[12:54] Things we are doing in 2023 to avoid burnout and further align our businesses, and how a strategic plan can help you achieve your mission, vision, and goals
[24:20] Why you need a plan to take care of yourself (PTO! PTO!) and create a more consistent work schedule so you’re not burning yourself out during certain times of the year (hello, year-end giving season)
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Resources Mentioned
A big thanks to our sponsors for this episode on year-end giving: Brittny Wilson Consulting and Mission Launch, and to Jake Walker Music for our theme song!