All Episodes

  • #32 | Sector Consolidation

    #32 | Sector Consolidation Looking at what we learned during the great recession, what can we anticipate during the current economic reality? Brittny and Nia discuss some predictions, but also what we can do differently to ensure that services are able to continue. Resources Nonprofits in Recession: Winners and Losers from the Nonprofit Quarterly

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  • #31 | The $35m Question: What do you do when your organization suddenly receives millions?

    #31 | The $35m Question: What do you do when your organization suddenly receives millions? I know, we all think, “gosh, what a great problem to have! We could use $35m!” The reality is that it’s much more difficult to manage than it sounds, which some nonprofits are currently experiencing. Plus, Brittny throws in another…

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  • #5 | Mini-Sode: The One About Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute

    #5 | Mini-Sode: The One About Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute We are speaking at the Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute! Check it out. Resources Register Online Here Apply for scholarships here AFP Colorado

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  • #30 | Scarcity Mindset and the PPP: Uncertainty in Decision-Making

    #30 | Scarcity Mindset and the PPP: Uncertainty in Decision-Making When scarcity drives decision-making, where does that leave nonprofits? The PPP Loan in response to COVID for small businesses (including nonprofits), continues to highlight the demands that a constant scarcity mindset has within individual organizations and for the sector as a whole. Resources Joan Garry: Should…

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  • #29 | Compromising Values: Politics, Gender, and Power Dynamics at Play

    #29 | Compromising Values: Politics, Gender, and Power Dynamics at Play Whether convincing donors of different political leanings to give to your cause, side-stepping sexually inappropriate comments, or handling drunk donors, it’s clear that something’s gotta change. Join Brittny and Nia for another dive into struggles that fundraisers and nonprofits face.

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  • #28 | Predictions: Part 2 -Predicting the Unpredictable

    #27 | Predictions: Part 2 – Predicting the Unpredictable Forecasting the un-forecastable, predicting the unpredictable. How do you look into the future right now? Prepping your board for the unknown, working with funders and their expectations, and even making estimates with your staff is especially difficult right now.

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