All Episodes

  • #16 | Admin and Program Staff: The Great Divide

    #16 | Admin and Program Staff: The Great Divide? The last of the pre-coronavirus recorded content, this episode covers the unfortunate, great divide between program staff and fundraising or administrative staff. Episode Highlights Check out the new website! Administrative and Program Staff end up too siloed. Shout out to staff who want to learn about the…

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  • #14 | Lobbying: Let’s Do It!

    #14 | Lobbying: Let’s Do It! We cover all three of the things you’re not supposed to talk about: money, politics, and religion. Episode Highlights The Johnson Amendment Why are nonprofits scared of lobbying? Nia pretends to be Schoolhouse Rock and teaches you about lobbying Public Service Loan Forgiveness may go away! Nia has an…

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  • #2 | Mini-Sode -The Coronavirus

    The Coronavirus Mini-Sode Brittny and Nia offer a quick check-in with everybody out there in the nonprofit space in the midst of a pandemic. Nia promotes usage of the bird. Brittny tells us to slow down. Resources More podcast episodes can be found here You can download a copy of the episode’s transcript here.

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  • #13 | Sustainability: What Even Is It?

    Sustainability: What Even Is It? A Special Note: We know you’re experiencing a triple (maybe quadruple or quintuple, even) whammy right now with the way that COVID-19 is impacting your services, your workforce, philanthropy, and events. Please take care of yourself. The stress and anxiety is very real and we have to prioritize self-care right…

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  • #1 | The Gala Follow-Up Mini-Sode

    The Gala Follow-Up Mini-Sode We get the scoop from Brittny about her big night. Did she find a dress? How did she do it all on so little sleep? How does post-event body happen? All this and more on our first ever mini-sode! Resources More podcast episodes can be found here You can download a…

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  • #12 | Technology

    Technology Brittny’s wish has come true! It’s another spring day. Too bad Nia had to shatter that and meter in her intro to today’s episode on Technology. Episode Highlights Why is technology so hard in nonprofits? Bad data management, lack of training on software, bad software and hardware We must leverage technology better! Everybody needs…

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