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#78 | Listener Stories Round 2
How many boards is too many? What happens when a fundraiser is left out to dry? And more questions from listeners! Want to submit questions or stories for future listener episodes? Email us at Podcasts We Listen To: My Favorite Murder My Dad Wrote A Porno Financial Feminist: Her First $100k The Ethical Rainmaker Future…
#77 | Hybrid Events
Hybrid events are no joke (unless they’re a comedy event. Then they definitely are). You have to consider engaging two audiences, technology and so much more. Brittny and Nia cover some crucial questions for organizations to think through.
#76 | The Big Transition
Back to the Office For those shifting back to in-person office work for the first time in a year, it’s a big transition. Changes to commutes, balancing personal life and work life, adjusting to office culture. How can nonprofits create a real “magnet” instead of a “mandate” for their teams?