
All Episodes

  • #48 | Election Recap

    #48 | Election Recap Brittny and Nia go over the election results, including the Colorado Ballot Measures, and give ideas of where we go from here. Resources John Oliver Calls Out Aggressive Trump Campaign Emails from Yahoo News Trump Fundraising for Legal Challenges and Paying Down Debt from Wall Street Journal Our Sponsors

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  • #47 | Political Dark Money in Nonprofits

    #47 | Political Dark Money in Nonprofits Brittny and Nia uncover a sneaky little way that some folks are using nonprofits to get more dark money into US politics. Our Sponsors

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  • #46 | Media Coverage of Nonprofits: Does it help?

    #46 | Media Coverage of Nonprofits: Does it help? Brittny and Nia are seeing more and more media coverage of the dire situation that nonprofits are in, including making predictions about year-end fundraising. Is it actually helping the sector? Resources USA Today Article: “Nonprofits face grim outlook as worried Americans cut back on donations during COVID-19…

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