
All Episodes

  • #15 | Boards: Most are Meh

    #15 | Boards: Most are Meh We cover all three of the things you’re not supposed to talk about: money, politics, and religion. Boards are tough! It’s hard being a Board Member. It’s hard reporting to a Board. Episode Highlights Serve wine at Board meetings to get Brittny there. Board/Staff relationships require trust! Board Members,…

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  • #14 | Lobbying: Let’s Do It!

    #14 | Lobbying: Let’s Do It! We cover all three of the things you’re not supposed to talk about: money, politics, and religion. Episode Highlights The Johnson Amendment Why are nonprofits scared of lobbying? Nia pretends to be Schoolhouse Rock and teaches you about lobbying Public Service Loan Forgiveness may go away! Nia has an…

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  • #2 | Mini-Sode -The Coronavirus

    The Coronavirus Mini-Sode Brittny and Nia offer a quick check-in with everybody out there in the nonprofit space in the midst of a pandemic. Nia promotes usage of the bird. Brittny tells us to slow down. Resources More podcast episodes can be found here You can download a copy of the episode’s transcript here.

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