
All Episodes

  • #109 | The Survey Results Are In: Americans Don’t Know Much about Nonprofits

    We live in the nonprofit world, day in and day out, so naturally, we know quite a bit about how it operates. But how much does the average American know? Not so much, it turns out. In today’s episode, we’re talking about the results of a survey put out by Indiana University’s Lilly Family School…

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  • #108 | Power and Complicity: Bystanders and The Need To Be Braver

    The nonprofit world is not exempt from the every day realities of racism, tax schemes, and even sexual assault. However, considering the mission and values of these organizations… you’d hope that behavior would at least be called out and appropriately dealt with when it appears within a nonprofit.  In today’s episode, we’re discussing why that…

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  • #107 | Why Religious Human Services Programming Is Problematic

    Religious organizations that provide human services programming can be incredibly problematic and Nia is fired up about it. Without oversight, these organizations can require religious participation in order for people to receive their services, among other issues. Talk about messed up. In today’s episode, we’re chatting about the different types of religious organizations, why the…

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